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Meet Christina Reese

2008 - I moved across the country from Massachusetts to Los Angeles to go to film school. I didn't know anyone and learned very quickly that I grew up in a bubble. I felt very 'stupid' and uncultured.


2009 - I did an inner-critic exercise in film school that showed me we have different parts within ourselves. This was the beginning of my self love journey.


2011 - I did a 40 day meditation journey and was inspired to start writing letters to my *future* husband. (I'm still not married!) But this taught me that journaling in letter format was the most powerful thing for me. I still do it to this day.


2012 - I was managing a restaurant and had an epiphany moment realizing I wanted to be a firefighter. I have always wanted to help people. I immediately signed up to become an EMT and get a degree in Fire Science. I hired a personal trainer.


2014 - I fell in love with my personal trainer and best friend. He was in a serious relationship, so I decided to 'date myself.' I treated myself, I went to movies alone, I bought myself flowers, and started to enjoy nurturing myself instead of needing it from someone else.

emt class photo
wildland fire academy graduation

2014 - I went to a Wildland Fire Academy where I was voted to lead a squad of 7 other recruits. We were the most successful squad in the academy, and the instructors forced this into my brain until I finally believed it: "Your squad does so well because of your leadership." I had to start believing in myself.


I interviewed for San Diego City Fire Department.


2015 - I didn't get into the City Fire Department, so I became a yoga instructor while I kept training. It was terrifying getting up and teaching classes, but I realized it helped me find my voice. I became a Reserve Firefighter for San Diego County, and worked at a station that had a lot of calls at a prison. I learned very quickly that you have no idea what you are capable of until you have no choice but to do it.


2016 - I was hired with SD Fire Department. I went through the deepest heartbreak. I wrote letters to him (journal entries that I still have), realizing letter writing was my tool to heal. It helped more than anything else did. I got a degree in Nutrition.

2017 - I realized I wanted to help people in a deeper way, and resigned from the fire department (and immediately colored my hair bright red!). I got certified in personal training. I moved to Northern California with my boyfriend. (The personal trainer I was secretly in love with! We ended up having 2.5 beautiful years together.)


2018 - I got certified in Reiki I&II to become an energy healer. I got a cash advance from my credit card so I could buy two 5 week old Siamese kittens. Those are my heart and soul now. They're almost 7 years old!


2018 - I was hired to manage a kickboxing gym. I had to find, hire, and train a team. This was one of the best chapters of my life so far. My boyfriend and I broke up after he was unfaithful. It was easy to walk away; my self love at this point was at an all time high.


2019 - I felt the greatest love and loss of my life. I got through it by journaling and connecting more deeply to myself. It was no one else's job to bring me peace. I realized that underneath any pain is LOVE. And love never hurts.

Christina doing yoga
Christina sitting with journals

2020 - The pandemic hit and I left the kickboxing studio to start my own business. I went through 2 Life Coaching certifications and set off to help as many people as I could.


2023 - I launched my second company Strive Wellness, where we have a line of guided journals to help people to this deep work. It is my belief this work should be affordable and accessible for everyone. The journals act as a coach in your pocket.


2024 - I am happier than I have ever been, and I attribute it all to my relationship with myself. It has nothing to do with my circumstances, and everything to do with the internal voice I have shaped over the years. â€‹And now I get to share the steps I took with you.

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