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How to Actually Save Money

Writer's picture: Christina ReeseChristina Reese

Updated: Oct 30, 2024

Oh, money. It's something we love to hate, isn't it?

I grew up without much money, and had to miss out on a lot of things. My brother and I couldn't play sports or go on school trips because they cost money, and we never had a vacation.

As I entered adult life, was drowning in student loans, and barely making ends meet, I decided that I would do whatever it took to get to a better place.

To give you an idea of the shift I have made:

Back when I had a $250 monthly student loan payment, I went days without eating, simply because I couldn't afford to.

Now, I have $1900 worth of monthly payments for various things, and they feel completely doable.

So how did I get here?

There are two things that have to happen.

  1. Internal work - This is the work you do within yourself like changing how you feel about money and about yourself, which will ultimately guide you to make different choices and be able to make more.

  2. External work - These are things like cutting your spending, reading books (though that could be placed under internal work, too), and creating a budget.

I am going to keep this specific post simple and manageable for you. (That's what I'm all about, after all!)

Here are some things you can do today to start shifting your money story.

Get friendly with your bank account.

It's tough to look at your account when you're in the red, but the more you know what's going on in there, the easier it is to catch something before it happens.

  1. Pull up your bank account and grab a blank monthly calendar. (I just google and print a blank one.) Write down what day each expense comes out.

  2. Total it all up, and you now know exactly how much you spend on recurring monthly payments each month, and exactly when they will be pulled from your account.

See example below.

This gives you an overview of how much you need monthly, and how much extra you spent. It makes it easier to see where you can save. Do this every month.

Next, there are some amazing books out there that have helped me tremendously in making more money. If you haven't read these yet, go stock up:

This one is full of humor while getting to the truth of the matter. That you can make more, you just have to do the work to get there.

You can grab it here. (Amazon)

  1. The Soul of Money - by Lynne Twist

The first chapter was enough for me to make me think so differently about buying things I don't need. It used to be so easy to want a dopamine fix and spend my time online shopping. Now, I don't feel that need anymore. Definitely recommend.

You can grab that here. (also Amazon)

The last thing I'll share today so I don't overwhelm you, is an exercise you can do for the inner work aspect of all of this.

Grab a sheet of paper and write a letter to money as if it were your best friend.

Money is there for you. Money helps you travel, treat yourself, buy your family nice why would you ever dislike it? Money is not good or bad - we make it bad by creating stories about it that aren't real. Money can be a good friend! But if you say you hate your friend, then they're not going to want to be around, are they? Invite money in!

It could look something like this:

Dear Money,

I didn't realize how I was treating you. Of course I want you around! You help me so much. In fact, you bring a lot of opportunity into my life. I am so sorry I wasn't seeing that before. Please, forgive me. And please come around more! I will invite you in with open arms.

You are taking a powerful step to changing the relationship you have with money. This exercise was a huge eye opener for me.

It's okay to love money. It's a helpful tool.

I hope these 3 things help you! It's one thing to read this blog, but it's another thing to actually do everything in this blog. Make the powerful step for yourself today.

To recap:
  1. Download this blank calendar or print one off and go sit down with your bank account.

  2. Read You Are A Badass At Making Money and The Soul of Money. (These links go to Amazon for easy access, but you can also grab them from the library to save a few bucks.)

  3. Write a letter to money as if it were your best friend.

I would love to hear how these things go for you.

Good luck!

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